The Bood -  Pullover Coat For Pet Dog
The Bood -  Pullover Coat For Pet Dog The Bood -  Pullover Coat For Pet Dog The Bood -  Pullover Coat For Pet Dog The Bood -  Pullover Coat For Pet Dog The Bood -  Pullover Coat For Pet Dog

The Bood - Pullover Coat For Pet Dog

SKU #6252363251885

Тип: Pet Collars & Harnesses

Доступность: В наличии

Цены начиная с: $ 59.9


The Bood is a pullover coat for your little dog's body that can be worn alone or buttoned to the Snood, a hood/scarf for the neck.

This version features a high-cut belly, so your boy dog can experience the ultimate in cuteness and coziness without the accidents or wetness. Buy as a set or mix and match.

- Button to attach Snood
- Opening on back for harness loop to pop through
- Machine Wash and dry cool
- Made in America


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